The Museum hosts genealogy sessions the fourth Saturday of most months via Zoom.
In February Dan Hubbard will present "I" is for Identity Crisis: From the Source's Mouth (Part 2 of 2)
Once we’ve understood that identities can be tricky to reconstruct, how do we piece together the tidbits of information that we find into an actual ancestor?
How do we avoid putting together a great-great franken father from the spare parts we find in the documents we dig up? Do we trust what seems to be true, or do we look long and hard into the “source’s mouth.”
Dan Hubbard has been seriously researching family history since he was eleven years old. Earning a doctorate in particle physics taught him to organize and complete truly large and complex research projects. Whether a project is large or small, Dan works hard to find and organize the information, get the logic correct, and properly document the results. It is one thing to want to know the answers or to sense a tale that ought to be explored. It is another to know where to look for information, how to gather it, organize it, interpret and follow every little hint, explain the inconsistencies, record what has been learned, and to have the time to do it all. Many people that seem relevant will turn out to be red herrings and it can be a challenge to separate the important from the erroneous. Putting it all together can be daunting. Presenting it well is an art.